PFAW Member, In addition to Michelle Obama’s deeply candid and passionate speech delivered to the Democratic National Convention last night, one of the most important highlights from the night was focused on the tragic – and deadly – real-life impact that Donald Trump’s falsehoods and failures have had on Americans. Kristin Urquiza spoke about her father, who died of COVID-19: “He had faith in Donald Trump, he voted for him, listened to him, believed him and his mouthpieces when they said coronavirus was under control and would disappear, and that it was OK to end social-distancing rules before it was safe,” she said. “In late May, after the stay-at-home order was lifted in Arizona, my dad went to a karaoke bar with his friends. A few weeks later, he was put on a ventilator. And after five agonizing days, he died alone, in the ICU, with a nurse holding his hand.” And the most stinging line: “His only pre-existing condition was trusting Donald Trump and, for that, he paid with his life.” Right now, Donald Trump and his right-wing allies are STILL lying about the coronavirus pandemic. They’re STILL endangering American lives by pushing for re-openings too early, sabotaging the U.S. Postal Service, and trying to prevent Americans from being able to cast ballots safely in this election. And they’re STILL trying to kill the Affordable Care Act (!!!) – through lawsuits and the extreme anti-health care judges they’ve confirmed at unprecedented rates to our federal courts. Losing in November, with the result of Donald Trump getting another term, would be an unthinkable disaster that our country very well might not survive. That’s why we’re going bigger than ever – MUCH bigger – in our efforts to win this election, elect progressives at every level, and defeat Trump Republicans up and down the ballot. That includes:
We’re aiming to hire two [2] new organizers by NEXT WEEK to help execute all of our essential programs heading into the election, and we need to raise $30,000 NOW. Kristin Urquiza told the truth: “Enough is enough. Donald Trump may not have caused the coronavirus, but his dishonesty and his irresponsible actions made it so much worse.” If YOU’VE had ENOUGH of Trump – his failures during the pandemic, his bigotry, his constant assault on our democracy and the American Way – then your continued support for our election work is needed. Please give what you can and renew today>> Thanks for everything you do. -- Ben Betz, Director of Digital & Organizing ![]()