Dear Friend,
Last night, on Day 170 of the COVID crisis, Governor Cuomo delivered an address on the opening night of the Democratic National Convention.
View the address here.
He laid out how New York was Ground Zero for the COVID virus, and together we have gone from one of the highest infection rates on the globe to one of the lowest.
How we went through hell, but we have learned so much. We know that our problems go beyond the COVID virus. COVID is the symptom, not the illness. Our nation is in crisis, and in many ways, COVID is just a metaphor. A virus attacks when the body is weak and when it cannot defend itself.
He noted that only a strong body can fight off the virus, and America’s divisions weakened it. Donald Trump didn’t create the initial division, the division created Trump – he only made it worse. 
And he highlighted that Americans learned a critical lesson – how vulnerable we are when we are divided, and how many lives can be lost when our government is incompetent. 
Watch the full clip here.
Americans’ eyes have been opened and we have seen in this crisis the truth: that government matters and leadership matters. And it determines whether we thrive and grow or whether we live or die.
He closed with the call that we need a leader as good as our people. A leader who appeals to the best within us, not the worst. A leader who can unify, not divide. A leader who can bring us up, not tear us down.
Joe Biden can restore the soul of America.  And that’s exactly what our country needs today.
Ever Upward,
Team Cuomo
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Andrew Cuomo for New York
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