You're Invited! Join us for a Panel on LGBTQI2S Inclusion in Sports this Wednesday, August 19 at 1 PM EDT / 11 AM MDT on Facebook Live! We are thrilled to announce our host and Canadian Olympic gold medal swimmer Mark Tewksbury will be speaking with our fabulous lineup of panelists including fellow LGBTQI2S Olympians, queer sports organizations, local athletes, and more! Together, we will work towards community building, engage in relevant conversation, and connect over LGBTQI2S inclusion in sport! This Wednesday's exciting panel discussion is part of the larger pilot initiative called In Your Corner: Connecting LGBTQI2S Sports Communities in Calgary launching this September. In an effort to connect queer sports communities from across the Calgary-Area in a time that usually sees communities come together physically, Egale will be hosting these bi-weekly virtual sessions to discuss mental & physical health, the response to COVID-19, inclusion in sport, and issues affecting the LGBTQI2S sports community. To watch our Panel on LGBTQI2S Inclusion in Sport LIVE, please visit our Facebook or YouTube. To sign you or your league up for In Your Corner starting this September, please visit us at, or contact [email protected] |
 Helen Kennedy, Executive Director |