Election 2020
Christians MUST Vote
Spiritual Battle For America is an educational campaign activating 1,000,001 Christians in Florida to vote according to Judeo-Christian principles on November 3, 2020.
To the objective observer the current cultural chaos is a symptom of the rejection and removal of God from the Public Square. Indeed the battle for a Constitutional or Marxist America is a Spiritual Battle. The solution, to maintaining our Constitutional Republic, based upon Judeo –Christian values, protected by the rule-of-law, is for followers of Jesus Christ to fulfill their patriotic and Biblical obligations and VOTE on November 3, 2020.
1. There are between 1 and 3 million Evangelical Christians in Florida who DO NOT vote and 25 million non-voting Evangelicals throughout America.
2. In 2016 Donald Trump won by a razor-thin 112,000 votes out of 9.5 million votes cast.
3. Most of the Evangelical Christians are Pro-life, Pro-America, Pro-Israel. Pro-Capitalism, Pro-Family, Pro-Military, Pro-Freedom, patriotic citizens who believe in the policy platform of the Republican party more than the policy platform of Democrat party.
4. If 1,000,001 additional Christians in Florida vote on November 3, 2020, America has an opportunity to defeat Marxism and remain a Judeo-Christian, Constitutional Republic.
1. Is Spiritual Battle For America a National or just Florida campaign? Though our focus is the 3 million Christians NOT voting in Florida, this campaign can also address the 25 million Christians NOT voting nationwide. Contact us if you want to lead this campaign in another state.
2. Why don’t Christians vote? There are several professed reasons (Donald Trump is immoral, my vote doesn’t matter, the world is ending soon, voting is of the flesh, neither party supports my belief system) none are logically or Biblically valid, especially in the midst of this Battle for America. God gave us all a voice, voting enables that voice to be heard.
3. What about the Jews, can they help? Absolutely! Our focus is non-voting Christians but our basis for this Spiritual Battle are our shared Judeo-Christian values. We welcome our Jewish brothers and sisters in this fight! In fact, we work closely with #JEXIT, an organization educating Jewish people to EXIT the Democrat Party.
4. Who is paying for this educational campaign? The United West is an approved IRS, 501 c3, non-profit organization that is raising money to fund this project. All donations are tax-deductible. Please join us by donating here: https://donate.theunitedwest.org/tuw-general-funds
5. What can I do to promote this important campaign? The United West needs many people engaged in their communities, speaking to family, friends, church communities, pastors/priests, and city leaders ensuring they are registered to vote and are able to get to the polls. There will be more details as we get closer to November 3rd, 2020.
CONTACT: [email protected]
WEBSITE - https://www.theunitedwest.org/