Donald Trump's administration can feel like a Who's Who of bad-faith, special interest sycophants, each more compromised than the next. But Education Secretary Betsy DeVos still manages to stand out for her absolute disdain for the people she's supposed to serve.

Since her appointment, DeVos – an anti-public-education extremist – has prioritized a dangerous partisan political agenda over our children and their education.

She's proposed schools use federal funds to buy guns.

She's gutted protections for LGBTQIA+ students.

She's defied court orders to demand loan payments from former students of her for-profit fraudulent colleges.

She's retracted critical protections for survivors of campus sexual assault.

She's worked to divert taxpayer dollars to fund religious schools.

Now, she's trying to force schools to reopen in the face of a global pandemic – and students are already testing positive in a school she just visited.

Betsy DeVos is unfit to serve as Secretary of Education. Add your name to join me in calling on her to resign.

I've spent my career fighting for our students. I come from a long line of educators. As a board member of the Lake Oswego school board and Chair of the Senate Education Committee in the Oregon Legislature, I fought for investments in our schools to assist underserved students, increase mental health services, and expand curriculum and programming.

I'm going to continue focusing on education at the state legislature – we must prioritize funding for our schools and be a counterweight to reckless federal policies. We must strive for smaller class sizes and advocate for equity to ensure our most vulnerable students are not left behind. And with the pandemic showing us that science is more important than it's ever been, we must push for full support of STEAM programs and access to higher education for everyone.

Sign the petition to tell Betsy DeVos, "Our children deserve a Secretary of Education who will fight for them, not for religious zealots and special interests. Resign now."

Thank you for helping protect our students,


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