Tonight, Bernie Sanders will speak at the Democratic National Convention. Although we wish the presidential primary had a different outcome, we are incredibly proud of how far Bernie and our movement have moved the debate on critical issues like big money in politics, income inequality, Medicare for All, climate change, and so much more. Some in the Democratic Party would prefer it if Bernie’s supporters stopped participating in the political process. But Bernie founded Our Revolution because we’re in this for the long term. Sign here to promise to fight fascism and continue the movement that Bernie Sanders started by organizing for our political revolution!
Bernie will spend part of his speech tonight laying out the unique and dangerous threat that Donald Trump poses to our democracy. It’s important to realize that Donald Trump’s refusal to listen to medical experts, use of secret police against Americans practicing free speech, and weaponization of racism in his political rhetoric all pose an urgent threat to our country. But we also must acknowledge that beating Trump is only step one in the fight ahead. We need to continue to build political power so that the over 80% of Democrats who support Medicare for All are able to overcome the special interests that oppose it. We must continue organizing on our issues, elect more progressives up and down the ballot, and continue our work to make the Democratic Party more democratic. Above all else, we must persevere in building lasting progressive organizing infrastructure to build power at every level of government. Add your name to stand with Bernie and our over 600 active groups in this critical fight for the future of our country! Thank you for all that you do, The whole team at Our Revolution 