Millions of Americans and thousands of businesses depend on the United States Postal Service to deliver life-saving medicines, essential goods, mail-in ballots and much more — and through tornadoes, snow, rain, heatwaves and even a pandemic.
But last week Trump admitted he doesn't want to fund the US Post Office because of mail-in balloting. This is purposeful disenfranchisement of voters across the country. And Postmaster General Louis DeJoy is slowing delivery times, cutting postal workers’ hours and removing mailboxes in multiple states.
We will not standby and let this continue. Sign my petition to call for immediate action to save the USPS.
The House is reconvening this Saturday to pass legislation to stop Donald Trump and his administration’s efforts to dismantle the USPS. Our bill, the Delivering for America Act, will provide $25 billion in funding that will address budgeting shortfalls and block politically motivated organizational changes at the Postal Service.
Call your representatives right now and make sure they are cosponsors of the Delivering for America ActAdd your name to mine and demand Mitch McConnell and the Senate take urgent action to save the Postal Service.
Thank you for acting quickly and for joining me in raising your voice to save the US Postal Service. 
