Dear Fellow Patriot, According to NumbersUSA, the nation’s leading border security advocacy organization, I have earned their highest rating—and the highest in the state of Florida— for voting to build the wall/fence and fight the open borders crowd in Washington. (See NumbersUSA Scorecard). This is based on actual legislation introduced, voted on and cosponsored. I support President Trump and have stood with him every step of the way to build the wall/fence to protect American citizens from the threats posed by illegal immigration and open borders. I am the only candidate in this race with a solid record on this issue. Here are the ratings that I have earned from NumbersUSA: A+ Reducing Chain Migration My opponent likes to talk about these issues, but Washington is full of people who do a lot of talking. I’m a doer not a talker, and I have the record to prove it. I hope I have earned your vote for Congress. Please vote Posey on August 18th. Sincerely, Bill Posey |