NBC, CBS, HuffPost, MSNBC, Cheddar, Business Insider, and many more have all written puff pieces on our opponent since her contentious primary win a month ago. Guess how many of them reached out to our campaign...ZERO.

We are in an uphill battle to get our message out as national liberals are trying to make her the next star of the Socialist left. 

We know the national media will be stacked against us so we are concentrating on real voter contact. But talking with voters every day takes serious staff work and resources. Unlike the free national media our opponent gets and Nancy Pelosi's millions of dollars committed to negative attack ads on Beth, we need every dollar we raise focused on dedicated voter contact.

If we do not have the resources necessary to counter the media's puff pieces and Pelosi's spending, the Democrats could flip our district. Can you send a $24 donation today to ensure we have the necessary resources to keep this district RED?
Only with your help and support will we keep this seat out of Nancy Pelosi and the liberals' hands!

Thank you,

Team Van Duyne