
It's no secret that Georgette's self-funded billionaire opponent has a lot more money to spend than our campaign. She has several offices, TV ads on the air, a fancy website -- all the fixings of a well-funded campaign.

But nothing can compare to a people-powered campaign.

Across the country, progressive candidates like Georgette are overwhelmingly winning their elections. Voters are tired of business as usual and are ready to see real change. Tired of electing the “safe” candidate who simply isn't willing to go the extra mile for the working people.

The time has come -- we're done “playing it safe.”

There's too much at stake this election. We're more than halfway to our mid-month fundraising goal of $5,000 -- can you chip in $5 to help make Georgette our progressive champion?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

The progressive movement has made some major strides -- between the primary wins of Ritchie Torres, Cori Bush, Rashida Tlaib, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, progressive candidates who live and breathe their communities are winning -- and Georgette is one of them.

With the progressive movement growing throughout all parts of the country, Georgette has the momentum to win this.

It's long overdue that we shift the Democratic party away from corporations and big businesses -- it's time for Democrats to move towards protecting the working class. From initiatives like Medicare-For-All, the Green New Deal, police reform, and investment in our communities, progressives have the bold ideas and solutions to bring our country forward and make it a better place to live for everyone.

We can't afford to play it safe. You, your family, your neighbor, or your coworker's life may truly depend on it.

It's time for us to root for the fighter we truly deserve -- and that fighter is Georgette. Chip in to Georgette's campaign before midnight tonight so we meet our mid-month fundraising goal and have what it takes. We've got 77 days left to make our mark before the election -- and that's exactly what we're going to do, together.

-- Alex Obolensky

Deputy Campaign Manager
Team Gómez