We are asking you to please donate to our campaign to take back the Senate because we are falling behind on our all-important end-of-month fundraising deadline. Here’s why you should give right now:

  • Trump and Republicans are not going to give up their power so easily — they’re going to pull out all the stops to win up and down the ballot in 2020 and we have to be ready;
  • Mitch McConnell and his dark money network are already pouring millions into key Senate races across the country;
  • Our Democratic candidates like Sara Gideon in Maine, Mark Kelly in Arizona, and more will need your help to win their seats and respond to right-wing attacks.

We ask a lot from you, we know — but we wouldn’t be doing it if the stakes of this election weren’t so high. With your help, we will have the power to take back the Senate majority and finally put an end to Republicans’ stranglehold on power.

But only with your help. Every dollar you give will determine how many resources we can plug into key battleground races to help our Democratic candidates win. So, will you make a donation to help?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Each and every message you receive from us (just like this one!) is tied to a real goal our team has set to build a winning campaign in 2020 and beyond. Your support is why we have the resources to continue our work to protect our Democratic Senators and elect more of them.

Counting on you before tomorrow’s deadline.

— Flip the Senate