From CONVENTION @ <[email protected]>
Subject A MAJOR event
Date August 17, 2020 6:48 PM
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  Links have been removed from this email. Learn more in the FAQ.
Today is the first day of the Democratic National Convention!

While Democrats are celebrating virtually, Trump is planning a
dangerous, in-person event here in Wisconsin TODAY.

We need to make sure our positive message from the
convention drowns out whatever hate Trump spews today. Chip in
now to help →
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Team -

This is it! Today begins the Democratic National Convention,
where we will officially nominate Joe Biden and Kamala Harris as
our Democratic Presidential ticket.

This is a big event, and if we're going to make this virtual
convention a major success that propels us to victory, we need
your support now.

That's why we're launching our Democratic National
Convention Fund to raise $50,000 by the end of the convention
this Thursday and kick-start the strongest General Election
campaign we've ever had here in Wisconsin. Chip in $10 now →

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With Trump planning an in-person event here in Wisconsin TODAY,
putting countless lives in danger in our state, we know we're up
against an opponent who will do anything to score political
points - even hosting dangerous super-spreader events.

We can beat Trump this November, but we need to take advantage of
the momentum this convention will give us to propel us past
whatever the GOP does, whether it be dropping millions of dollars
worth of ads to blanket Wisconsin or making it harder to safely
vote by mail.

Help us win this November →
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Paid for by the Democratic Party of Wisconsin
Ben Wikler, Chair

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