August 30th, 2019
Listen To Today's Podcast:
In this episode, I address the damning Comey report along with the reasons he was not legally prosecuted for his outrageous behavior. I also address some stunning reveals in the IG report about the operation to set up and entrap Donald Trump.
Must Watch Video: Biden's Story is Flat-out Lie and Insulting to War Heroes
Any time Joe Biden is in the public eye he seems to have a knack for sticking his foot in his mouth and has been deemed ‘the gaffe machine.’ It’s one thing to not know the correct number for your campaign, and ok, arguably it can be a little confusing to remember which city you…
NY Post: "A Cheater's Guide to James Comey's FBI Policy Breaches"
When the Office of Inspector General released their 83-page findings yesterday on James Comey, his reaction was astounding. Almost immediately after the report was released, Comey tweeted an odd message of vindication and actually asked for an apology. Comey’s tweet came before anyone, himself included, had time to read the report with a fine…
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Dan Bongino, P.O. Box 1003, Palm City, FL 34991