Folks, we are staring down one of the most consequential elections in our history.

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, we need to be doing everything in our power to ensure every American can exercise their fundamental right to vote and do so safely. That means conducting this election largely through vote by mail.

Listen, we must ensure the U.S. Postal Service is fully funded so that every American can exercise their constitutional right to vote. Sign your name now to demand emergency funding for the U.S.P.S.


Here in California, we’re working to make our election process as safe and simple as possible. Because we believe in democracy.

I signed two executive orders that jump started our mail-in ballot process. We are providing drop off sites and safe voting sites.

I worked with the legislature and signed two bills to double down on those commitments, and have a provision that allows 17 extra days to collect ballots.

We will do everything we can to ensure every American can make their voice heard in November. But without full funding for the U.S.P.S., the integrity of our election is at stake.

So please, sign your name to demand emergency funding for the Postal Service to ensure a free and fair election.


Thank you for speaking up,
