From ADL Washington, D.C. <[email protected]>
Subject ADL Regional Update
Date August 30, 2019 6:40 PM
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ADl regional update


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Montgomery County High School, ADL Start School Year Tackling HateWalt Whitman High School in Bethesda, Maryland is taking a leading role to eliminate hate from its campus and cluster of feeder schools. Last year, the school faced controversy after a social media post of students in blackface, using the N-Word, went viral. In response, the school will roll out a new program, OneWhitman, and work with ADL to implement No Place For Hate(R).

Principal Dodd wrote in a statement, &ldquo;this program furthers our vision of eliminating racism and all other forms of hate speech so that everyone at Whitman is valued and respected. Every student at Walt Whitman must feel that our school is built for them to belong and succeed. As such, we believe this structure will be a foundation for a more inclusive culture.&rdquo;

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Anti-Bias Education - Back to School 2019The start of the school year brings excitement, new beginnings and a chance to get to know students, staff and families. As the school year begins, we encourage you to review the educational tools and resources ADL offers and pass along the information to your local school and community organizations.

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President Trump Accuses Jewish Democratic Voters of &lsquo;Great Disloyalty&rsquo;

The charge of disloyalty has been used to harass, marginalize and persecute the Jewish people for centuries. Sometimes referred to as the &ldquo;dual loyalty&rdquo; charge, it alleges that Jews should be suspected of being disloyal neighbors or citizens because their true allegiance is to their coreligionists around the world or to a secret and immoral Jewish agenda. ADL CEO Jonathan Greenblatt
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spoke at length about the President's comments and the history of this dangerous trope.

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North Carolina Governor Vetoes Divisive Immigration Bill
Last week, Governor Roy Cooper vetoed House Bill 370, which would require North Carolina sheriffs to comply with certain requests from federal immigration agents.

ADL had
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previously encouraged the governor to veto this legislation. And with his action we express our appreciation to Gov. Cooper for taking this important step to prevent sheriffs from becoming entangled in ICE enforcement, which would only stoke fear and mistrust locally, while harming immigrant communities. We further call on the North Carolina General Assembly to allow the veto to stand.

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Hear From ADL in Your Community - Request a Speaker With anti-Semitism and hate on the rise, we know communities in Maryland, North Carolina, Virginia and Washington, DC have more questions than ever. If you, your organization or congregation are interested in having an ADL representative speak about the environment impacting ADL&rsquo;s work to fight hate for good, or how your community can be involved in our efforts to confront anti-Semitism and combat all forms of bias and bigotry, please fill out the form below.

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Interfaith Council of Metropolitan Washington Unity Walk 2019ADL will again be participating in this year&rsquo;s 14th Annual Unity Walk on Sunday, September 8 from 12:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.

A public demonstration of solidarity and unity for all faith groups in the Washington, DC metro area, the event draws over 900 people of all ages and backgrounds. Participants visit 11 different houses of worship in upper Northwest DC, engage in facilitated dialogues with each other and with members of the clergy, sample traditional foods and partake in service projects. It is a powerful antidote to the ongoing divisiveness we are experiencing in our country today.

Check-in, the resource fair and the opening ceremony will be at Washington Hebrew Congregation.

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Jewish Federation Breakfast Briefing: Israel's Bedouin Community: Government Investment and Grassroots InitiativesThe Greater Washington Forum on Israeli Arab Issues (of which ADL is a member of their steering committee), The Embassy of Israel, and the Jewish Federation of Greater Washington are co-sponsoring a breakfast briefing, &ldquo;Israel&rsquo;s Bedouin Community: Government Investment and Grassroots Initiatives.&rdquo;This briefing will feature Ministry of Agriculture official Yariv Man and Bedouin Israeli entrepreneur Ibrahim Nsasra on Friday, September 13 at 8 a.m. at the Federation, 6101 Executive Blvd, North Bethesda, MD.

This is a rare opportunity to hear firsthand how the Government of Israel and the private sector are investing in closing the educational and economic gaps between Bedouin citizens and the rest of Israeli society.

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25th Anniversary ADL In Concert Against Hate Tickets on Sale
For 25 years, ADL In Concert Against Hate has honored every day heroes in the battle against intolerance, injustice and extremism. These extraordinary people have performed acts of courage and compassion when confronted by the forces of hate. Their stories, narrated by renowned actors and performers, are interwoven with musical selections to create a powerful and unforgettable evening of inspiration and hope - one that affirms and celebrates the values that we all share.

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Register for Never Is Now!Never Is Now is ADL&rsquo;s Annual Summit on Anti-Semitism and Hate, taking place on November 21 at the Jacob K. Javits Center in New York City. ADL&rsquo;s signature annual event is a one day conference focused on understanding contemporary drivers and dynamics of anti-Semitism.

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