The allure of pre-college summer programs will only continue to grow as parents and students become ever more desperate for the brass ring of acceptance into a selective institution, argues PPI's Anne Kim.

Anne Kim, Vice President of Domestic Policy
"The voters that will be affected by recession are the same ones who helped turn the midterms to Democrats," Marshall said. "Ten years of economic expansion has until recently been the top economic story of the country. If that story turns into recession brought on, in part, at least, by trade wars, then the story becomes 'is this guy competent enough to become president?'"

Will Marshall, President of PPI
"I definitely do not think they should be fighting about this,” said Arielle Kane, who directs health policy for the Progressive Policy Institute. “The public as a whole does not understand the nuances of health care policy — they just want to know the candidates’ big ideas and values."

Arielle Kane, Director of Health Care
"Many of Sanders's ideas would also face stiff resistance from within his own Democratic caucus over what Paul Bledsoe, an energy fellow at the Progressive Policy Institute and former Clinton White House climate adviser, calls his "radical climate purity."

Paul Bledsoe, Strategic Advisor
Democrats serving in Congress and running for the presidency have a unique opportunity to hold Republicans accountable for abandoning any pretense of fiscal responsibility. PPI’s Progressive Budget for Equitable Growth gives them the tools they need to do it.

Ben Ritz, Director of the Center for Funding America's Future
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