Cvoid-19 has made us all think how our society could change for the better. It's not often we get an opportunity to totally reimagine the way we live together, or to share our ideas so directly with the people with power to make big changes.
Positive Money has always pushed for more democratic participation in policy making. The more people who have a say, the more likely we'll build an economy that works fairly for everyone.
Back in 2017, Positive Money's submission to the Treasury Select Committee inquiry into the response to the financial crisis was backed by more than 9,500 supporters. That made politicians sit up and take notice. Now, we have another opportunity for thousands of us to shape our future together.
Positive Money is a movement of tens of thousands of supporters around the UK. So in the next couple of weeks we want to mobilise as many people as possible to have their say. By submitting thousands of responses together, we can really grab the Lords' attention!