Dear John,
As the presumptive 2020 Democratic Party presidential nominee has chosen Oakland, California’s own U.S. Senator Kamala Harris as his running-mate, we here at the East Bay Young Democrats are focused on getting to the work of electing progressives down-ballot.
Tip O’Neill, the former Democratic speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, often said,” all politics is local.” As we well know, substantive, concrete, and radical change occurs in our cities. As the Black Lives Matter movement’s demand to defund the police department has gained traction, real change comes from the bottom up, in our neighborhoods.
It’s time to build the bench and open the halls of power to the youth. Join us over the next two months as we host a series of events that will accomplish our core philosophy: when millions of people participate in the political process, we win.
Wednesday, August 19, 2020 @ 6 pm - 8:30 pm: Oakland At Large - City Council and City Attorney Endorsements
On Wednesday, August 19, the East Bay Young Democrats has a thrilling double-header of Oakland city government election forums for your edification and enjoyment.
First up, from 6:15 to 7:15 pm, the two candidates for Oakland City Attorney, Eli Ferran, and Barbara Parker, will present their vision and take questions about how they will use the powers of the city’s top legal authority. From code enforcement to advising the City Council on the legality of their actions, the Oakland City Attorney position is one of the most vital areas in local government.
From 7:30 to 8:30 pm, the two At-large candidates for Oakland City Council, Derreck Johnson, and Rebecca Kaplan, will go toe-to-toe in a forum that will explore how they will spend the next four years in the only council seat that represents all Oaklanders. The East Bay Young Democrats are excited to have the Wellstone Democratic Renewal Club co-sponsoring this at-large city council forum. With a majority of the Oakland City Council up for grabs this fall, the race for an At-large councilmember is shaping up to have enormous consequences for the future of Oakland’s city budgets, public services, and civic character. You can find their questionnaire answers here.
Join from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device:
Please click this URL to join.
Passcode: 444383
Description: Candidate forums for the offices of Oakland City Attorney and City Council At-Large
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US: +1 669 900 9128 or +1 253 215 8782 or +1 346 248 7799 or +1 301 715 8592 or +1 312 626 6799 or +1 646 558 8656
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Passcode: 444383
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Wednesday, August 26, 2020 @ 7 pm: Virtual Meeting - 2020 General Election Endorsements
We hope that you will join us for our November 3, 2020 General Election endorsement meeting, taking place virtually, via Zoom, on Wednesday, August 26, from 7 to 9 pm. It’s hard to believe that we are already quickly approaching the general election. It is precisely for that reason that we must begin to consider all the candidates and measures on the upcoming ballot. We will post video submissions from the candidates on our social media channels and website. Please make sure to watch the videos as we will be discussing the submissions before we vote on whom to endorse.
- City Council, District 3 (Carroll Fife, Lynette McElhaney, Seneca Scott, Meron Semedar, Alexus Taylor, Faye Taylor)
- City Council, District 5 (Noel Gallo, Zoe Lopez-Meraz, Richard Santos Raya)
- City Council, District 7 (Aaron Clay, Marcie Hodge, Ken Houston, Bob Jackson, Treva Reid, Olivia Rodriguez, Esmeralda Cortes Rosales, Tyrone Stevenson, Marchon Tatmon, Chaney Turner)
- Mayor (Jesse Arreguín, Wayne Hsiung, Naomi Pete)
- City Council, District 3 (Ben Bartlett, Orlando Martinez, Deborah Matthews)
- City Council, District 5 (Todd Andrew, Sophie Hahn, Paul Darwin Picklesimer)
- City Council, District 6 (Richard Illgen, Susan Wengraf)
- School Board, At-large (Laura Babitt, Jose Luis Bedolla, Michael Chang, Norma J F Harrison, Esfandiar Imani, Ana Vasudeo)
- AC Transit Board of Directors, Ward 1 (Jovanka Beckles, Ben Fong, Joe Wallace)
- AC Transit Board of Directors, Ward 2 (Greg Harper, Jean Walsh)
- AC Transit Board of Directors, At-large (Victoria Fierce, Dollene Jones, Chris Peeples)
- East Bay Regional Park District Board of Directors, Ward 1 (Elizabeth Echols, Norman LaForce)
On the consent calendar:
- Peralta Community College District Board of Directors, Area 6 (Dyana Marie Delfín Polk)
- Berkeley Rent Stabilization Board (Right to Housing Slate - Xavier Johnson, Andy Kelley, Mari Mendonca, Dominique Walker, Leah Simon-Weisberg)
- Alameda City Council, At-large (Jim Oddie & Malia Vella)
- Emeryville City Council, At-large (John Bauters, Ally Medina, Christian Patz)
- East Bay Regional Park District Board of Directors, Ward 2 (Dee Rosario)
We will send out the link to the Zoom meeting soon.
September 10, 2020 @ 6 pm: Local Ballot Measures Discussion
It is 49 days until ballots across California are mailed out to voters. Qualified statewide propositions and local ballot measures are ramping up their campaigns. The Policy Working Group will take up recommendations to inform the general membership’s endorsement votes on these propositions and measures.
The Policy Working Group acts as a resource to the membership through proactive policy analysis, respectful deliberation, and member engagement on key/relevant policy issues. The Working Group provides well-researched recommendations to inform the membership about organizational policy positions. The Working Group also leads efforts to advance organizational policy priorities.
Join us on September 10, from 6 to 8 pm.
We will send out the link to the Zoom meeting soon.
Wednesday, September 10 & Wednesday, September 17, 2020: The Race for Oakland School Board is On
On Wednesday, September 10, and Wednesday, September 17, the East Bay Young Democrats and State of Black Education - Oakland will host forums to hear from candidates running for the Oakland Unified School District Board of Education. The forum for Districts 1 and 3 will be held on September 10 and Districts 5 and 7 on September 17. Over a dozen candidates are running across these four races, which account for a majority of the seats on the school board. Learn how they plan to tackle the long-standing challenges our schools face and the current public health crisis that is exacerbating many of the inequities in our community.
We will send out the link to the Zoom meeting soon.
Wednesday, September 16, 2020 @ 7 pm: EBYD x Cal Berkeley Democrats Collaboration on Berkeley City Council, District 2
On Wednesday, September 16, East Bay Young Democrats and Cal Berkeley Democrats are partnering to co-host a joint endorsement meeting for Berkeley City Council, District 2. District 2 spans from University Avenue to Haskell Street and Sacramento Avenue to the Bay, bordering Emeryville and Oakland on the south side and Albany on the north. District 2 is home to many beautiful family-friendly gems that are enjoyed by many locals and visitors. The area also provides a wide array of local diverse markets, restaurants, and businesses. Please join us via Zoom from 7 to 9 pm.
We will send out the link to the Zoom meeting soon.
September 23, 2020 @ 7 pm: Virtual Meeting - 2020 Ballot Measure Endorsements Endorsements
Join us at the September general membership meeting. We will discuss the recommendations that the Policy Working Group came up during the local ballot measures discussion. Representatives for the measures that warrant further thought and debate will be invited to present to the general membership.
We will send out the link to the Zoom meeting soon.
Later on in September 2020: EBYD’s Bookclub
This month, we will be shaking things up a bit with a podcast! We will be discussing the first episode of Nice White Parents by Serial Productions. The series talks about the power that white parents have over the school system and what that means for everyone, particularly BIPOC children and families. You can find the podcast here.
Our next book for September is For The Love Of Men: A New Vision For Mindful Masculinity by Liz Plank: “A nonfiction investigation into masculinity, For The Love of Men provides actionable steps for how to be a man in the modern world, while also exploring how being a man in the world has evolved.” You can find the rest of the description and buy the book from a local bookstore here.
You can also find the book at our local library or purchase the audiobook at
Both meetings will be via Zoom. Dates and times to be determined. If you are not already part of our Google Group, you can sign up here to get notifications about our upcoming events.
We will send out the link to the Zoom meeting soon.
In solidarity,
Zac Goldstein, EBYD Vice President of Political Affairs
”Election days come and go. But the struggle of the people to create a government which represents all of us and not just the 1 percent – a government based on the principles of economic, social, racial and environmental justice – that struggle continues. And I look forward to being part of that struggle with you.”
—U.S. Senator from Vermont Bernie Sanders, 2016 Democratic National Convention, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania