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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Monday 17 August


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Secularism in the media


'Hate speech in Scotland: cry freedom to jest, or laugh no more' - NSS mentioned

A proposed SNP bill on hate crime represents a sinister threat to free speech — and everything it means to be Scottish, says Neil Oliver.

The Times (£)


Scotland’s religious, humanist and secular leaders explain concerns about proposed hate crime bill

The Scottish Government's proposed laws to curb hate crime have come under sustained scrutiny in recent weeks, suggesting the legislation which attempts to define hateful language is ill-considered, unnecessary and counter-productive.

The Sunday Post


Terror accused Hisham Muhammad 'believed IS was US creation'

A man accused of planning a terror attack has told a court he researched the Islamic State group because he believed it was "created by America".



Victims of child abuse speaking about their experiences for the first time, says IICSA

More than one in ten of the almost 5000 victims and survivors of child sexual abuse who have made disclosures to the Truth Project were speaking about their experiences for the first time, new research by the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse has found.

Church Times


'Voice of the Jewish News: Enforce compliance'

Jewish News' editorial says safeguarding for all young people is paramount, in wake of comments a Charedi leader at the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse.

Jewish News


Trump claims Christianity a 'big part' of Israel's deal with UAE

Donald Trump has attempted to use the signing of Israel's historic deal with the United Arab Emirates to bolster support amongst his Evangelical base at home.

The JC


Heavy metal band flee Iran after being sentenced to prison for 'blasphemy'

The Iranian heavy metal band Arsames have fled their home country after they were sentenced to 15 years in prison for playing their music.



South Korea accuses church pastor as COVID-19 cases surge

South Korea accused a conservative pastor on Sunday of violating self-isolation rules and obstructing contact tracing at a church where 240 infections have fuelled the country's worst outbreak in over five months.



'India's temple is its secular constitution'

India's composite and secular credentials, which were born out of processes that took four millennia to unfold, are being burned down within a few years in our times, says E.T. Mohammed Basheer.

The Wire


'Missionaries gain access to Amazon’s Indigenous peoples, despite pandemic'

When the first COVID-19 cases hit Brazil in March, the National Indigenous Foundation ordered all civilians to leave the Indigenous reservations. But a new law has made an exception for one group: Christian missionaries.

Religion News Service


In case you missed it...


We all need the freedom to offend – including the most marginalised

Scotland's new hate crime bill could easily be weaponised to silence any speech deemed offensive. This will disempower, rather than protect, society's most vulnerable, says Megan Manson.


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