Republican Jewish Coalition

Check Out RJC In The News!

John -- 

This past week was an exciting one for all Jews, especially those who support the most pro-Israel President in history, Donald J. Trump. 

The RJC is reaching out to every Jewish swing voter in battleground states to convince them to vote for President Trump and our endorsed US Senate and House candidates. 

On Thursday, we brought national and Jewish press together to talk to RJC Board member and former Donald J. Trump Special Representative for International Negotiations Jason Greenblatt, RJC Board Member and former George W. Bush Press Secretary Ari Fleischer, RJC National Chairman Senator Norm Coleman, and RJC Executive Director Matt Brooks, about our plans for winning on Election Day. 

Something else happened on Thursday, and it will bolster our case to undecided Jewish voters. President Trump announced the historic agreement to bring peace between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. The American Jewish community is poised to push President Trump over the finish line - this news will only grow that momentum.

Check out just some of the coverage, below:




And check this out from the senior political writer from South Florida’s largest newspaper, the Sun Sentinel:

This is going to be a fantastic election season for us and our fellow Republican Jews. That is in large part because of the fantastic support that people like YOU give us to do this work. 

So what do you say, can you help us with your financial support today? 

Every dollar will go towards reelecting President Trump, holding our Republican majority in the Senate, and putting Republicans back in control of the House.

Please donate today!


Neil Strauss
Communications Director



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202.638.6688 | [email protected]
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