Bikers for Trump
Bikers for Trump make national headlines


We did it!! Because of your support, Bikers for Trump made national headlines by rallying over 250,000 Bikers to vote for President Trump at this year's Sturges Rally!!

That means thousands of Bikers in critical battleground states are ready to rally their friends and families to vote for President Trump!!

Bikers for Trump rally 250,000 Bikers in Sturgis

But we still need to work every single day to make sure they turn out and help get every single of one them to the polls!

So let's finish our Sturgis Biker Rally with a BANG by raising $70,000 before the rally ends TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT!!

They tried to shut us down, but our Bikers didn't put up with the Left's hysteria and suppression campaign! We rallied every single day to make sure we reached every Biker!

Even the Trump Campaign Political Director was in awe at the crowds we drew.

The President knows our Bikers are fighters, and we won't be shut down! Now it's time to get them into battleground states to turn out the vote for Trump!

Help us finish our Sturgis Trump Rally with a BANG and get our Bikers on the ground in battleground states by donating before TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT!!

Again, thank you. Keep our Bikers on the road and in the news by donating before MIDNIGHT TONIGHT.

Chris Cox
Chris Cox
Bikers for Trump

P.S. The Democrats have responded by shattering fundraising records! Help us fight back with a game changing contribution of $1,000 or more right away!

Paid for by Bikers for the President PAC
Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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