"Exposing secrets and dirty cover-ups the Mainstream media and the Washington establishment are hiding from the American people."

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BREAKING REPORT: It's Time to REMOVE George Soros once and for all!

Fellow American,

Domestic terrorists are now running rampant across our country, and they're all being funded by one single enemy... George Soros.

The time for dark-money politics to be brought to an end is NOW, before America is destroyed from within.

According to Federal law, domestic enemies are to have their citizenship REVOKED when they declare allegiance to a foreign power or government.

George Soros has openly declared his loyalty to the European Union and has DEMANDED that the U.S. turn over its sovereignty to the United Nations!

This means that George Soros irrefutably qualifies to LOSE his citizenship and be DEPORTED from the United States!

As United States citizens, we MUST take a stand for American Liberty, or we'll lose it forever.

That's why we're launching a national petition to DEPORT GEORGE SOROS IMMEDIATELY!

This urgent petition will be sent to every single member of Congress (535 total)... and even to President Trump himself!

It's time to Deport George Soros and remove his shadow-money political maneuvers that are destroying America.

We only need 11,494 more signatures to get this in front of President Trump and Congress... will you SIGN the petition today and help remove this foreign enemy from interfering with the 2020 election?

Federal law PROHIBITS you from being both a "European" and an American.

This means George Soros can legally be stripped of his citizenship and subsequently DEPORTED for his anti-American activites!

The time has come to put an end to Soros' billions of dollars that are being funneled straight into the hands of domestic terror groups like Antifa, who have been rioting every single night in major cities all across America.

That's why I'm asking you to sign the urgent national petition to deport George Soros immediately.

We need a massive, grassroots effort to alert President Trump to the dangerous, illegal activity that is currently going on in the United States of America - right before our eyes!

We need thousands more patriots to sign on and push for JUSTICE!

George Soros is using his U.S. citizenship as a way to burrow his anti-American policies into everyday life.

Under Federal law, this is indisputable evidence that a foreign enemy is seeking to undermine our country... he must be DEPORTED immediately!

The Trump administration won't act unless they see hundreds of thousands of NATIONAL PETITION piled in their offices.

Including yours!

Sign the National Petition to Deport George Soros by clicking HERE.


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DC Swamp Watch
2035 Sunset Lake Rd Ste B2

Newark, DE, 19702

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