As you read this, our Truth to Power team is figuring out how we can help all 15 of our candidates win even as President Trump guts the Post Office and sabotages vote by mail.

Truth to Power

John, I'll keep this short:

As you read this, our Truth to Power team is figuring out how we can help all 15 of our candidates win, even as President Trump guts the Post Office and sabotages vote by mail.

We have a plan — but, to make it work, we still need 5,018 more gifts before midnight. We have a few hours to go, so if you can spare anything will you please rush a gift to us by midnight?

If you've stored your info with ActBlue Express, we'll process your contribution instantly:

It's not easy to help 15 powerful voices for truth win their races for Congress — especially since so many of them are taking on entrenched incumbents, corporate PACs, and special interests.

It's even harder to do that in the midst of a global pandemic while the President threatens the postal service's ability to deliver ballots on time.

But, John, I know none of us want to wake up on November 4th and wish we had done more to help win these important elections. That's why we're laying the groundwork for victory now. We still need to get 5,018 gifts before midnight — please give whatever you can spare as soon as you can.

Thanks John,

Katie Porter



Paid for by Truth to Power PAC

This email was sent to [email protected].

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