John --
Good afternoon and welcome to our Weekend Update.
This was a great week on the campaign trail as we work to ensure
Pennsylvania delivers all 20 electoral votes to President Trump again
in 2020.
On Thursday, I attended a Sportsmen for Trump Rally with Donald
Trump, Jr. and Trump Victory Finance National Chair Kimberly Guilfoyle
hosted by Bill and Laura Bachenberg at the Lehigh Valley Sporting
Clays. The event included a rally for law enforcement and a separate
rally for sportsmen. It was a tremendous event and Donald Trump Jr.
and Kimberly Guilfoyle do an incredible job highlighting the countless
reasons we must reelect President Trump.
One of the main reasons we back the President is his steadfast
support of our Constitution and, in particular, our 2nd
Amendment. I want to remind you that Joe Biden wants to put
anti-2nd Amendment radical Beto O’Rourke in charge of our
gun policies and Kamala Harris wants to institute a mandatory gun
buyback program for the nation.
I got the opportunity to address the crowd. President Trump will
win Pennsylvania again largely because he hasn't lost support from the
voters and delivered for Pennsylvania the best economy we have seen in
over 70 years. He
did it once and he will do it again. Who would we
prefer steering our economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic?
Donald J. Trump or Sleepy Joe Biden? Their capabilities are about as
different as shooting a bullet as opposed to throwing one. Pictured
below with Donald Trump, Jr., Kimberly Guilfoyle, Brian and his
wife Val Rich, my shooting buddy and good friend Chuck Coccodrilli,
and my wife Shelley.

This week we attended the Schuylkill Transportation System facility
groundbreaking in Saint Clair. Bob Carl, President and CEO of the
Schuylkill County Chamber of Commerce, did a great job hosting the

This morning, we attended State Representative Doyle Heffley’s golf
outing. (Pictured below).

On Sunday, I am attending the Rally at the Rock with Bradford
County Commissioner Doug McLinko.
In Lebanon County, Governor Tom Wolf and the Lebanon County
Commissioners agreed to a settlement with regard to appropriated CARES
Act funding. First of all, I want to reiterate that I believe the
Governor’s office exceeded its authority by failing to release CARES
Act funding to Lebanon County. I was encouraged that our local elected
officials stood up and challenged the Governor’s inconsistent orders
and mandates that unfairly hurt small businesses.
Unfortunately, the settlement reached yesterday by the Governor and
the County further perpetuates the unfair political attack against the
residents of Lebanon County. As part of the Governor's agreement, he
mandated that $2.8 million of this critical funding be used for a
public relations campaign to encourage mask-wearing in Lebanon County.
All of this funding was intended to help businesses open, provide
assistance for our schools and support our frontline worker...
They were NOT meant to be used for a public relations
campaign. To siphon off $2.8 million of that critical funding
on a campaign to encourage individuals to wear masks is excessive,
wasteful and hurts the Lebanon County residents meant to receive this
support. This Governor has proven time and time again that he favors
petty politics over the interests of the hardworking people of Lebanon
County. It’s a mindboggling decision made during a pandemic.
In major news, President Trump helped to negotiate a historic
agreement between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. If the media
were not so fixated on defeating President Trump, they would recognize
the significance of this news. The agreement will help to fully
normalize relations between the two countries. This is incredible news
and shows that President Trump’s diplomatic efforts in the region are
having an impact. President Trump is focused on making our nation and
our world a safer place. His policies and diplomacy are working.
Despite what the major news outlets would have you believe,
Senator Kamala Harris is not a moderate. Joe Biden’s pick for Vice
President, Kamala Harris, has embraced the radical policies of the far
- Harris and Biden both support a ban and would eliminate the
natural gas industry in Pennsylvania and the United States
- Harris was one of the first Democrats to co-sponsor Bernie
Sanders’ single-payer Medicare for All, which would cost over $32
trillion, and said she wanted to eliminate private
insurance even if individuals like their plan
- Harris is a co-sponsor of
the radical Green New Deal, voted against the
Trump tax cuts, and voted against a
bill that would limit abortions to the first 20 weeks of
- Harris has even said that we should have a “conversation”
about whether felons should vote from prison
- Harris has endorsed the far-left’s immigration policies that are
tantamount to open borders
- Harris supports sanctuary
cities and said in 2018 that “we need to probably think about starting
from scratch”
when referring to ICE
- Harris is out of touch, using her office and personal connections
to benefit herself. She ran up bills in her role as Attorney General
that puts her in former Lt. Governor Mike Stack category here in
- During 2017 and 2018, Harris received “unprecedented” protection
from the Los Angeles Police Department even when not in Los Angeles,
costing taxpayers over $28,000
- During her 2016 campaign, Harris used campaign funds to pay for
things like a stay at an upscale, $3,400 a
night hotel and $20,000 on
luxury car services
- Harris was more focused on playing politics than fighting crime as
a prosecutor, with San Francisco’s homicide rates rising
when Harris was the city’s District Attorney:
- As DA, Harris inflated the office’s conviction rate by offering plea
deals to defendants accused of serious crimes
- When cases went to trial, Harris’ office underperformed compared
to other prosecutors
Joe Biden's decision to select Kamala Harris as his running mate
proves once again that he has completely caved to the extreme
left-wing of the Democratic Party. Kamala Harris was rated the most
liberal U.S. Senator in 2019, which is quite the accomplishment when
you consider she is competing against the likes of Bernie Sanders,
Chuck Schumer and Elizabeth Warren. Fortunately, Biden is giving the
American people a clear sign of what kind of President he would be.
Radical left.
The Biden-Harris
ticket has as much in common with eastern central Pennsylvania as I do
with San Francisco.
Last night, I attended a
Back the Blue Dinner hosted by our friend, Lebanon County District
Attorney Pier Hess Graf. This was a fantastic event and the proceeds
collected all went to benefit PA COPS. PA COPS provides resources to
assist families and affected coworkers of law enforcement officers
killed in the line of duty. The guest speaker was Trish Wertz. Her
husband was killed in the line of duty in Berks County. Wertz is a
courageous advocate for our law enforcement officers and understands
the sacrifices our police and their families make to keep our
communities safe. I want to thank her and Pier Hess Graf for their
work to support law enforcement. Pictured below with Trish Wertz and
Rep. Sue Helm.

With campaign season here, we are working on getting our message
out. We have a new billboard near exit 74 on Pennsylvania Turnpike 476
(Northeast Extension). Keep American & Pennsylvania Great! Our
yard signs are beginning to go up. If you need a yard sign, please
contact our campaign at [email protected].
Pictured below with Donny, Ty and Jimmy.

Yesterday, my wife and I checked our son Danny into Bucknell
University. My boy is now a college man. I am very thankful that we
have such great universities in Pennsylvania, so he is not too far
from home. I want to wish all of our students, their parents and
families well as we safely get back to school during these challenging
Please have a great weekend and we will see you soon.
