Donald Trump just tweeted about our opponent, folks — again.

You know it. I know it. Republicans know it. We are the best chance Democrats have to flip a Senate seat and take back the majority. Our opponent’s approval ratings are underwater and the GOP is doing everything they can to save him.

Donald Trump is taking to Twitter to prop up his campaign and Mitch McConnell’s right-wing groups have dumped $24.8 million to attack me. Even worse? A recent poll shows Gardner within single digits of us.

All of our momentum could amount to a hill of beans if we can’t raise the funds we need to combat their attacks. We cannot let the GOP get away with keeping this seat red and securing their majority. That’s why I’m asking:

Can I personally count on you to donate $10, or anything you can, to help us meet our mid-FEC fundraising goal on Monday and ensure we have the resources to fight back against the Republican attack machine?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

The truth is, we cannot flip this Senate seat unless hard-working folks like you chip in to help us build the campaign we need to win.

Thank you for all you do,
