We're changing the face of leadership

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It's almost time for the New American Takeover, John!

On Tuesday at 12:00PM CT, we'll kick off our event at the DNC to celebrate #PeopleLikeUs, share our stories, and flex the growing political power of our communities in 2020 and beyond. We already have a fierce list of speakers and attendees confirmed—the only thing that could make it better is having you there!

Since we can't attend the DNC in person, this is our chance to make our voices heard in the Democratic Party and show that any candidate who wants to win in 2020 needs the support of New American and BIPOC communities.

NALAF DNC Event Graphic

We'll be joined by candidate for New York State Assembly Jessica González-RojasGeorgia State Representative Bee NguyenFlorida State Representative Dotie Joseph and other leaders in the Democratic Party to discuss how people like us, and especially women of color, are leading the movements for justice and an inclusive democracy. In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, the Black Lives Matter movement, and on the cusp of a historic election, this conversation has never been more timely or important.

This is an event you don't want to miss. Save your spot now and let us know we can count on you to join the #NewAmericanTakeover!  


Can't wait to see you there,

Helena Berbano
National Political Director
New American Leaders Action Fund


P.S. Know someone excited for the DNC? Have a friend who should attend this event? Forward this email to them and tell them to join the NALpista Family and get their ticket today!

Help us build a democracy that represents and includes all people and support New Americans as they run for office, engage new voters, and expand civic engagement.

New American Leaders Action Fund (NALAF), a 501c(4), is building a democracy that represents and includes all people by supporting New Americans as they run for office, engage new voters, and expand civic engagement.
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© 2020 New American Leaders Action Fund