Welcome to The Revolution Report — the weekly e-newsletter of our national grassroots organizing network!
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During the Democratic National Convention next week, we are joining with the Progressive Democrats of America (PDA), Roots Action and other allies to host “The People’s Convention” and discuss next steps in the political revolution!
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All across America, Our Revolution is electing the next wave of progressive champions up and down the ballot.
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Our Revolution Minnesota mobilized to help Squad member Ilhan Omar beat back an establishment challenger and proved that progressive power in Congress is here to stay! At the state level, we also helped political newcomers Omar Fateh and Jen McEwen claim victory against two incumbent state senators.
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Our Revolution activists reached out to tens of thousands of Vermonters to get-out-the-vote for a slate of progressives - including David Zuckerman who won his primary race for governor and Taylor Small who beat out an incumbent and now poised to become the first openly trans person to serve in the state legislature.
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Our Wisconsin Revolution organized to propel Madison city councilor Samba Baldeh to victory in a crowded primary to represent district 48 in the state house, and helped state Rep. Melissa Sargent sail to victory in the Democratic primary for district 26’s state Senate seat.
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Invest in Building our "Organize to Win 2020 Political Campaign" and Help Us Ramp-Up our One-On-One Voter Contact Program!
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During this moment of crisis, Our Revolution is organizing to win transformative policies — from criminal justice reform to health care for all — at every level of government.
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Mike Schmidt, the new District Attorney in Portland elected with the support of Our Revolution Oregon, announced that he will drop charges against most Portland protesters. “This policy recognizes in order to advance public safety, we must not only prevent crime but we must also build trust with everybody in our community.”
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Our Revolution Kansas City’s Drew Bergerson provided a briefing on our Monday Night Leaders' Call about the successful campaign to expand Medicaid coverage to over 300,000 low-income people in Missouri. In particular, Drew noted that the victory shows that progressive policies - like health care for all - are popular even in deep red-states like Missouri.
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In an opinion piece in Jacobin, Our Revolution Howard County, MD chair Paul Baicich calls for a 21st century version of FDR’s Civilian Conservation Corps to address the twin crises of economic and climate catastrophe facing the nation.
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All across the nation, Our Revolution is leading the fight to transform the Democratic Party into a party that represents all of us - not just the wealthy few.
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“Democracy inside the party is just as important as democracy outside the party” writes Our Revolution Board Chair and DNC member Larry Cohen. That’s why Our Revolution is encouraging all DNC delegates to support extending the rules reforms — including limiting the power of Superdelegates — into 2024 to make the party more inclusive.
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Our Revolution Ohio’s Cathy Cowan Becker took a stand this week along with 800 Bernie delegates nationwide and voted NO on the DNC platform because it didn't include Medicare for All. “Even though we are vastly outnumbered by the Biden folks, Bernie delegates are activists, and we are punching above our weight. Nowhere is that more evident than the votes we are casting at the DNC.”
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Our Revolution Maryland members are urging DNC delegates to include Medicare for All in the DNC’s 2020 policy platform. Chrissy Holt, Co-Chair of Our Revolution Anne Arundel, said that supporting a single-payer plank in the Democratic platform would put Maryland delegates in "alignment with the majority of Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives who have co-sponsored the Medicare For All Act of 2019."
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In this moment of crisis, Our Revolution HQ is doubling down on building a national network of grassroots powerhouses fighting to win progressive policies, elect progressive candidates, and transform the Democratic Party.
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This election cycle, 62% of our endorsed candidates WON their races up and down the ballot - our highest win rate ever! Our victories against the establishment prove that deep grassroots organizing works - to date, we’ve made more than 500,000 one-on-one voter contacts!
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Our Revolution South Carolina’s August Statewide Organizing Meeting featured state house candidate Andrea Bejarano-Robinson, who talked about why South Carolina needs more diverse and inclusive political representation. “I’m not only a Latina, I’m a person with a physical disability — I live with cerebral palsy,” she said. “A lot of times we talk about people but we don’t include them in the conversation.”
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Our Revolution California’s State Organizing Meeting focused on “Winning a Millionaires Tax at the State House” and featured former Bernie 2020 advisor Jane Kim and Assemblymember Miguel Santiago. More than a third of California residents are living at or near the poverty line, yet the state is home to the highest number of billionaires in the country. Santiago, author of a bill that would raise taxes on income above $1 million, said that “a few folks in our state are doing extremely well while the rest of California is hurting.”
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Bernie 2020 co-chair Nina Turner joined Our Illinois Revolution’s August Organizing Meeting. Nina implored progressives across the country to keep fighting to build power. “We must continue to keep our eye on the prize and not relent. We’ve got to work harder, we’ve got to work deeper, and we’ve got to work faster. We’ve got to ask the question: Whose side are you on? Who will you stand side by side with? What will you do with the people’s power?”
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Ahead of the critical elections, Our Revolution is hitting the phones to GOTV for our endorsed candidates — including Senator Ed Markey, Alex Morse and Robbie Goldstein in Massachusetts and Tamika Lyles and Monique Worrell in Florida.
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Are your group’s candidates right on our issues? Do they have a chance of winning? Are they running an effective campaign? Are they going to build your group’s power? Join us to learn how to evaluate candidates for local endorsement. Open to all group leaders and activists!
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Slide decks, chat and Q & A. There is a lot that goes into running a successful organizing meeting on Zoom. Join us to learn all the tricks and tips to make sure your meetings are effective. Open to all group leaders and activists!
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Learn how to put people at the center of your campaigns! Join us for a training on how to use ControlShift and how to get access to it once you complete your new group MOU.
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