John, running a statewide campaign is a huge undertaking.

We have to make sure we’re connecting with the right folks in every corner of Colorado so we can pass Proposition 113, the National Popular Vote, on November 3rd.

We need all hands on deck to spread our message of One Person, One Vote far and wide -- and there are so many ways you can get involved in our campaign.

Will you take a small action today by joining our campaign in whatever way is meaningful to you? We need volunteers to contact voters, social media followers to amplify our messages, and grassroots donors to power our movement.

Click the buttons below to get involved today and help us pass Proposition 113, the National Popular Vote.


We’re so grateful to have your help, no matter how you choose to get involved.

If we’re going to guarantee the presidency to the candidate who receives the most votes in all 50 states, we’ve got a lot of work to do.

Thanks for everything,


Sylvia Bernstein
Coalition Coordinator
Yes on Prop 113, National Popular Vote