Grassley Direct

I spoke with Nikki Thunder at KCHE in Cherokee and Dale Wegner with the Sac Sun in Sac City. We discussed the 15th anniversary of the Renewable Fuel Standard and my work to combat elder abuse.

Q&A: Data Thieves Exploit COVID-19


Q. What kinds of cybersecurity problems are cropping up for teleworking and online learning?

Q: How can Iowans protect their business and home-based networks while teleworking?

Q. What should employers do to protect their networks when employees telework?

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Earlier this week, many parts of Iowa were hit by extreme winds and severe storms. Trees are uprooted, roadways are obstructed, crops are severely damaged and grain bins are busted.

Just like any other natural disaster Iowa has experienced, I know Iowans will band together and support each other as we recover from this storm.

I got back out on the road this week for more Q&As as part of my annual 99 county meetings and to survey the storm damage. I look forward to hearing what’s on the minds of Iowans and how Senator Ernst and I can help our state rebuild from the derecho.

The ongoing pandemic has increased the risk that America’s police officers and first responders face every day to keep our communities safe and healthy. Sadly, some have contracted COVID-19 while on the job and succumbed to the virus. Yesterday, President Trump signed into law my bipartisan Safeguarding America’s First Responders Act to help families of these heroes get the help they’ve been promised.

Post of the Week

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