Watch our new video!


John, yesterday marked our 92nd protest outside of the NRA’s headquarters in Virginia. Our grassroots leaders have rallied against the NRA on the 14th of every month since the Sandy Hook massacre in December 2012, calling for an end to their reign of terror.

But yesterday's protest was...different.


Because we're putting the NRA out of business — this time for good!

Last week, New York Attorney General Letitia James announced a sweeping lawsuit to dissolve the NRA. John, momentum is finally on our side. That's why we united more grassroots leaders from Brady, Team ENOUGH, March For Our Lives, and the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence to join yesterday’s protest outside of the NRA. It was music to our ears, hearing chants to dissolve the NRA from blocks away!

To keep the pressure on, we need your help. We produced a new video of the NRA's Wayne LaPierre, capturing the lies and misinformation he has peddled to his base for years. Will you watch our new video?


It's about time the American people know who we’ve been rallying against year after year. Once and for all, together, we're going to put the NRA out of business!

Join Brady for Our Virtual Roundtable for the 2020 Democratic National Convention

Join us for a virtual roundtable discussion on gun violence as part of the 2020 Democratic National Convention. We're teaming up with our partners in the movement to discuss the importance of centering marginalized voices and communities in solutions to reduce America’s gun violence epidemic. 

Moderated by Rep. Lucy McBath, panelists include:

Panelists will discuss what evidence-based policy solutions really look like; the need for investment in community programs that prevent violence; the gun industry's role in the illegal market of firearms; and more! Sign up to be notified on Facebook when our panel is live on Wednesday, August 19, at 5 p.m. ET!


Tell Gov. DeWine You #StandWithOhio — Reject Stand Your Ground Laws!

Friend, even if you don't live in Ohio, we need to hear your voice today.

This summer, lawmakers in Ohio are planning to secretly push racist and discriminatory “Stand Your Ground” legislation while our nation is still grappling with racial injustice and the murders of Black Americans by police and white vigilantism.

Stand Your Ground laws are essentially a license to murder.

Using the guise of “self-defense,” Stand Your Ground laws allow anyone to use lethal force, anywhere at any time. And time and again, they fuel gun homicides — especially homicides of Black Americans, like the killings of Trayvon Martin and Ahmaud Arbery.

That's why we formed a national coalition of civil rights, racial justice, and gun violence prevention groups to mobilize against Stand Your Ground legislation! Our goal is to collect 100,000 signatures in the next 60 days to let Gov. DeWine know the entire nation is watching — and we're demanding that he reject any Stand Your Ground bill that comes to his desk. We must fight for a safer America. Add your name to our petition and let Gov. DeWine know you're watching!


Applications are Open! Team ENOUGH Lobbying Collectives and Executive Council

Team ENOUGH, our youth-led initiative, is accepting applications for both its youth-led Lobbying Collectives and Executive Council! The Team ENOUGH Executive Council helps shape the goals and values of Team ENOUGH. The youth-led Lobbying Collective program trains students to lobby their lawmakers in support of legislation to prevent gun violence in D.C., VA, FL, and CA. We're looking for youth activists (ages 13-26) to take their activism to the next level by joining our programs.

Help us out by applying below or sharing with young people you may know!


Applications close on August 31 at 12 a.m. ET


Applications for D.C., FL, and CA close on August 18 at 12 a.m. ET

🎧 NY Attorney General Files Suit to Dissolve NRA
In a special minisode, JJ discusses New York Attorney General Letitia James’ announcement that she has filed a complaint in the Supreme Court of New York that includes 18 causes of action against the NRA and four of its senior officers for fraud, malfeasance, false filings, and abuse of the NRA’s tax-exempt status. Listen now.


🎧 Marching for Gun Violence Prevention in the Time of COVID-19
JJ is joined by Kelly Sampson, legal counsel at Brady, for a podcast about what it’s like to be protesting to help bring about gun violence prevention during COVID-19. To do so, we went straight to the source, interviewing organizers and activists from Concerned Citizens D.C. and Team ENOUGH members as they marched in D.C. to prevent gun violence. Listen now.


“For me, Brady has always been the leading gun reform organization with the most practical initiatives. There is no other organization committed to confronting the gun industry in court, and it is this undertaking which commands my support."

Brady Donor of the Week: Thomas Green

Tom Green first became interested in the gun violence prevention movement after serving in Vietnam, where he “saw enough guns for the rest of his life.” When he returned to the U.S., Tom moved to Washington, D.C., to begin his legal career as a federal prosecutor. Over the years, he prosecuted countless cases that involved senseless gun violence and death due in large part to the ease of access to firearms. 

Tom remembers, “It was disconcerting to dwell on the fact that our country was, and still is, overflowing with guns. And it is disconcerting through those years that a large percentage of our citizens, and particularly our national legislators, were apparently inured to the everyday reports of gun violence.” Read more about Tom and why he supports Brady.


Reader's View: Lawmakers Abandon Majority on Gun Control, Duluth News Tribune

Community Holds Vigil For 5-Year-Old Killed in Shooting, WCSC

Brady Campaign Statement on Selection of Sen. Kamala Harris For Vice President, Brady


Read more about our statement on Joe Biden's new Vice President, Kamala Harris!
"Throughout her career, Senator Harris has shown that she will act to prevent gun violence and keep our communities safe. From championing both common-sense and innovative gun safety policies as California Attorney General while holding gun manufacturers accountable for profiting off of violence to demanding federal action on gun violence as a United States Senator, Sen. Harris has shown that stopping gun violence is a priority. It is why she introduced a plan to use executive authority to strengthen our nation’s gun safety regulations early in her presidential campaign last year. She understands that, when over 40,000 Americans a year die from gun violence, this issue is too pressing to wait. We need action, not words, and a Biden-Harris Administration will not hesitate to act to make our communities safer.

Brady is proud to enthusiastically support Sen. Harris’ selection for Vice President. We need her voice in this fight.”

Brady President Kris Brown


Our work is made possible by grassroots supporters like you. 


Thank you for supporting the Brady Campaign. The Brady Campaign is a 501c(4) and donations to the Brady Campaign are not eligible for a tax deduction. We rely on the generosity of donors like you to fund our work to prevent gun violence and create a safer America. 

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Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence
840 First Street, NE
Suite 400
Washington, DC 20002
United States


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