Weekend Edition, August 15-16, 2020

It’s Not About Saving Lives

It’s a Coronacvirus Vaccination Catastrophe in the Making. Bill Sardi

On Reckless Exuberance

Karen Kwiatkowski

‘Pandemic’ Equality: All But the Ruling Class Will Be Equal Slaves

Gary D. Barnett

GloboCap Über Alles

CJ Hopkins

Tony Fauci and the Swine Flu Disaster

Jon Rappoport

The Brookings Hand Behind Russiagate Points Back to Rhodes Trust Coup on America

Matthew J.L. Ehret

Rethinking Discrimination

Laurence M. Vance

Chaos Theory

James Howard Kunstler

Lockdown Restrictions Are a Test To See How Much Tyranny Americans Will Accept

Brandon Smith

The ‘ New Normal’ Is De-Normalization

Charles Hugh Smith

Joe Biden’s Mask Mandate Is Only the Beginning


Why Aren’t We Promoting Health To Combat COVID?

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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