Email from Paula Jean for West Virginia

Hi John -- Please join Senator Sanders and me tomorrow for a virtual town hall. In the wake of Republican leaders’ cowardly inaction to address the health and economic crises created by the coronavirus pandemic, Sen. Bernie Sanders on Saturday will host a “Fighting for Justice” virtual town hall to discuss the need for urgent Congressional action.

Bernie and I will address how the pandemic is hurting working people in West Virgina, and hear from local residents on how they're dealing with the health and economic crises.

Secure your place at this event by registering here.

Can’t make the town hall? We need all the support we can get. Please chip in $5 and help me win this seat from Trump-enabling GOP incumbent, Shelley Moore Capito.
The people of West Virginia and the country are counting on us to step up and turn things around.   
Let’s make it happen. 
Paula Jean




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Paula Jean for West Virginia,
PO Box 1688, Sophia, WV, 25921
©2020 Paula Jean for West Virginia, all rights reserved.

Paid for by Paula Jean for West Virginia

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