I'm a proud Our Revolution member in suburban Philadelphia, a professor at Villanova University, and, most recently, an elected Bernie Pennsylvania delegate (CD05) to the Democratic National Convention. Today, I’m reaching out to let you know why I voted NO on the 2020 DNC Platform, along with more than 800 other Bernie delegates. Despite 80% of Democrats supporting Medicare for All, the Democratic platform draft does not include it. Pitch in here to help Our Revolution organizing around Medicare for All and electoral work for candidates who support it.
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The will of 8 in 10 Democratic voters, a catastrophic pandemic, and an economic disaster where tens of millions of Americans have lost their jobs and health coverage should count more than donations and lobbying from the health insurance and pharmaceutical industries. We are speaking up for the millions of Democrats and other Americans who've cried out for Medicare for All in this time of catastrophic pandemic illness and massive unemployment.
Donate here to help Our Revolution elect progressive candidates who will support Medicare for All.
We must defeat Donald Trump and stop creeping fascism, but we will also work to change the Democratic Party when they side with corporate power vs. the overwhelming majority of their voters. That’s why I’ve been excited to serve as a coordinator for over 1,000 Our Revolution volunteers on Slack — volunteers who call, text, email, research, and help Our Revolution groups and candidates mobilize across the country. We helped reach more than 25,000 voters to boost turnout for Cori Bush’s candidacy for Congress in St. Louis. Cori now joins Sponsor Pramila Jayapal, the Squad and 125 other Members of Congress next year fighting for Medicare for All. Help us elect more progressive supporters of Medicare for All by donating here!

In solidarity, Karyn Hollis Our Revolution Member PA Democratic Convention Delegate P.S. Click here to sign up to volunteer on our Our Rev Slack channel to build campaign for Medicare for All! I hope you will join our volunteer army! 