
Donald Trump finally told the truth yesterday on Fox News when he openly admitted to sabotaging the United States Postal Service with help from his handpicked postmaster general—a blatant effort to suppress the vote of the American people.

In recent days, we have learned that Trump is willing to turn your mail service upside down in a last-ditch effort to cling to power and stay in office. It’s one of the most stunningly brazen displays of corruption we’ve ever seen.

Will you add your name and join us in calling on the administration to leave the Postal Service alone?

We’ve seen the lengths Trump is willing to go to destroy our democracy. He wants to win re-election at all costs.

Rural communities, seniors, veterans, and so many American families are relying on the USPS more than ever. It’s how people get their paychecks, medications, bank statements, and their mail-in absentee ballots.

But we’re already seeing how important mail is getting delayed for weeks at a time. Now we’re learning that mail sorting machines in post offices have been turned off and dismantled or are being left unattended to.

We have to do something about this.

Please sign your name to our petition today to call on Trump to stop destroying the Postal Service.


Serve America