What's New at CPUSA.ORG

Have you registered for the Town Hall?

Dear John,

Have you registered? Join a Town Hall on the unemployment crisis this Sunday, August 16. With the November election just around the corner, millions are wondering: what’s it going to take to make life liveable again? The forum will address this and many other questions. Click here to register. And help spread the word!

The November 3 election is less than 80 days away. What are the issues that will drive voters to the polls (or mail box)? Each week, we'll feature a People's World article about an issue people are thinking and talking about. The author of "We Are a Community of Voters" ("Somos una comunidad de votantes")
directly addresses the Latino community. Please share this article widely with coworkers, friends, and family. Start a discussion!

This Week @CPUSA:
Biden chooses Harris, Trump sabotages the U.S. Postal Service, and more.

The congressional wins of "the squad" in 2018 were no fluke. This article discusses the trouncing of an entrenched liberal in this year's New York primaries.

For decades before the Black Lives Matter movement, Communists have been involved in the struggle for African American liberation. Read about this history here

In 1951 a petition was delivered to the United Nations charging the U.S. with genocide of African Americans. "We Charge Genocide!" became a rallying cry that resonates today.

International Notes: What communist parties in Turkey, Belgium, India, and Brazil are saying about events in their countries.

In "Mourn? Or Organize?" the author discusses the pitfalls of psychotherapy under capitalism.

Billionaires are watching China. So should we. An economist explains why.

In solidarity,

Joe, Scott, & Laura

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