Team — Big news: Because of the response to yesterday's email (forwarded below) we're making headlines again. Not just that, but last night on The 11th Hour Brian Williams played our ad in full on MSNBC.
We meant it when we said it's up to us to make sure that the public knows that Traitor Trump is hurting our veterans while undermining the U.S.P.S. so he can steal the election in November. And without you, this ad would never have been made at all, much less aired on national news just a few hours after it debuted.
Chip in today to help us keep the momentum going. The more pressure we put on Traitor Trump the better.
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:
After five draft deferments and faked bone spur excuses, Traitor Trump finally went to war – against the Post Office.
If only he had actually served, he'd know veterans rely on the U.S.P.S. for voting, medication, and employment. We take this VERY personally, and so should you.
We released a new ad this morning about Trump’s war on the U.S.P.S. and how it’s hurting veterans, military families, and our actively deployed troops around the world who all rely on it. Will you make a donation of any amount right now to help us get it far and wide?
If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

People across the country have noticed the U.S.P.S.’s delays recently but it’s up to us to make sure they know that Traitor Trump is intentionally sabotaging it — all so he can try to steal an election he knows he’s losing.
Share our ad far and wide, with your friends, family, and neighbors all across America. Then, chip in a few bucks if you can to help us spread it even farther. We have to hold this traitor accountable for the harm he is causing, and this is a fast and easy way to help.