Fellow Illinoisan,
Over the past few weeks, I have received many reports of delays in the delivery of mail in Illinois. From Chicago to Cairo, Illinoisans’ mail is not being delivered on time.
And the most frustrating part? This is a problem that could have been avoided.
The Trump Administration’s new Postmaster General, Louis DeJoy, took over the job on June 15 and immediately announced major changes to longstanding U.S. Postal Service (USPS) policies. These changes include an elimination of overtime for USPS employees, a reduction in sorting and processing hours, changes in how carriers are allowed to conduct their rounds, and the firing or reassignment of 23 senior Postal employees. What we’re seeing now are the negative effects of these new policies.
These decisions are not simple cost-cutting measures. They are a blatant attempt to undermine the mission of the Postal Service at a time when an effective and smoothly running USPS is vital to not only public health, but the very integrity of our democracy.
It’s undeniable that these delays will threaten our ability to hold a free and fair election. We are less than 100 days away from a national election in which mail-in ballots delivered by USPS will be vital to ensuring that people of all political persuasions are able to exercise their right to vote while staying safe and reducing the spread of COVID-19.
No American should have to put their health at risk to cast a ballot and participate in our democracy. In light of these recent and serious delays, it has become clear that Congress must step up and provide emergency funding for USPS. Instead of undermining the USPS and its workers, we should be strengthening it, especially at this critical moment in history.
Congress must act with urgency to fully fund the Postal Service to avoid a disaster in November.
U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL)