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Building American Resilience: A Blueprint for America After COVID-19
by PPI Staff and Senior Fellows 


In contrast to Trump’s “let’s get back to the way things were” message, progressive leaders should offer voters this fall an ambitious vision for America’s economic and social reconstruction.

PPI has published a comprehensive blueprint for speeding recovery and building a more resilient society. It tackles long-festering social inequities and bolsters the capacities of business and government to perform their vital missions during future pandemics or other national emergencies. Applying what we have learned during the Covid-19 crisis, our scholars and policy experts offer radically pragmatic ideas for change.

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Statement on Joe Biden's Selection of Sen. Kamala Harris as his Running Mate
by PPI Press

Biden-Harris: it’s a formidable ticket that faithfully reflects the broad, Big Church coalition Democrats will need to evict Donald Trump and Mike Pence from the White House in November.

How to Build American Resilience
by Will Marshall, PPI President

For Americans and much of the world, 2020 has been an annus horribilis. To contain the coronavirus pandemic, nations have been forced to order mass quarantines, freezing economic activity and social life. It likely will take decades to calculate the full human, economic and psychic costs of this still-unfolding global calamity.
The Covid-19 Crisis Shows why we Need a National Resilience Council
By Michael Mandel, Chief Economic Strategist

As of 2019, imports accounted for 58% of nonresidential investment in non-tech, non-transportation capital equipment, such as industrial machinery. That’s up from 51% in 2007. Have we already passed the point of no-return? Probably not—but we have a lot of work to do. That’s why we need a National Resilience Council.

The Progressive Policy Institute and Democrats For Education Reform D.C. will facilitate a balanced conversation from four experts representing different perspectives on how police in schools impact student well-being, safety, education, and life outcomes. Due to D.C. being the nation's capital and a leader in education reform, we’re inviting the nation to join us as we learn more about these critical issues and ways to ensure every student feels safe, supported, and empowered in school beyond COVID-19.
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