Real Justice

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John, I need you to read this email. It’s going to be long, but it’s important.

Right now, there are hundreds of cases of blatant police brutality against Black people that you would know about if Trump had not sucked the wind out of the entire news cycle. I need to break down an important distinction between these cases and what happens to white murderers. Then at the end of this email, I have one action step you can take right away to help us change things with Real Justice.

De'Von Bailey is a name you would know by now. Earlier this month, police in Colorado Springs repeatedly shot this young, black teenager in the back as he ran away from them. Police confronted him because he was suspected of a robbery. He panicked, and he ran. The bullets tore up his spine, heart, spleen, and diaphragm. He had a zero percent chance of survival.

Now here’s another story. A white man just murdered two women and a child in Virginia. He literally chases the police. Beats them. Chokes a man. And for an hour this goes on all while police in Virginia refuse to use lethal force. They use sprays. They use sticks. But guns are clearly not an option for them.

Listen. I’m glad. But while white mass murderers are often taken by police without violence, I can name 25 completely naked and unarmed Black men and women, who didn’t kill anybody at all, that got shot and killed by police right away. I say this daily, but police know damn well how to avoid lethal force. They just choose when and where right down racial lines.

Look at these four Black boys and men WHO KILLED NOBODY, WHO BROKE NO LAWS, but were having a mental health crisis, naked and unarmed, when police killed them. A veteran. A high school student.

These stories are heartbreaking and infuriating. I see far too many of them. But what keeps me going is knowing that people across the country are fighting to change things. One way we’re doing that at Real Justice is electing reform-minded district attorneys who will hold police accountable and fight racism in the justice system.

The district attorney is one of the only checks on police power. And right now, the majority of them are white, conservative, and work hand-in-hand with powerful police groups who will spend big to keep bad district attorneys in office.

We’ve already won eight district attorney races, but we’ve got our eyes on 100 more. It takes a huge amount of money to build competitive campaigns, but if enough people pitch in, we’ll be able to win some more, ok?

Please pitch in to help Real Justice elect district attorneys who will fight blatant police brutality and racism.

Love and appreciate each and every one of you.

Shaun King

P.S. More info here: