With less than three months to Election Day, #Fight4HER has all hands on deck to defend the right to reproductive health care for all.
That is why in just a few weeks, we're coming together as a huge grassroots movement to train activists to elect candidates all over the country who are committed to championing reproductive health and rights. The only thing missing is you!
Will you join us for the digital Health, Empowerment, and Rights (HER) Summit taking place Saturday, August 29th? The application takes just a few minutes, and you can choose which of two time zones works best for you.
The application deadline is coming up on Monday, August 17, and you don't want to miss it. At the 3rd Annual HER Summit, you will have the opportunity to...
- Receive training on how to get out the vote and make a true impact in the #Fight4HER;
- Meet other activists and professional organizers in regional breakout groups; and
- Hear from elected officials and candidates about their commitments to fight for health, empowerment, and rights if elected.
The current administration is led by right-wing demagogues who, time and time again, put special interests above their constituents. In order to win in the 2020 election, we need to have a coalition of activists who will continue to defend reproductive health and rights around the world, including here in the U.S.
Join us as we build the biggest grassroots movement to elect candidates who will fight for reproductive freedom worldwide. But hurry—applications for the 3rd Annual HER Summit are due Monday, August 17!
See you there,

Rebecca Harrington
Senior Director of Advocacy and Outreach
Population Connection Action Fund