From Eve Tahmincioglu, Economic Policy Institute <[email protected]>
Subject Chart of the week: Doctors, who happen to be Black women, earn just 73% of what white male doctors are paid
Date August 14, 2020 3:49 PM
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Yesterday was Equal Pay Day for Black women. Take a look at this chart >>

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This week we recognized Black Women’s Equal Pay Day, marking the seven and a half months of additional work that the average Black woman must work in order to earn the same amount a white man was paid, on average, last year.

On an average hourly basis, Black women are paid just 66 cents on the dollar, compared to white men of the same age with the same level of education.

EPI is out with a new report, including this chart ([link removed]) , to draw attention to the major pay gap Black women face compared to white men. Share the chart below to help shine a spotlight on the economic inequities faced by Black women who work in the health care sector—inequalities that are particularly dispiriting during a pandemic when our medical professionals are playing an essential and round-the-clock role of saving lives.
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Despite being employed in occupations that have been essential during the pandemic and are crucial to the reopening and recovery of our economy, Black women are forced to accept large pay gaps across a wide range of occupations, particularly among physicians and surgeons. Doctors, who are Black women, are paid just 73% of the average hourly wage paid to white male doctors.

At a time when we are battling a global health pandemic, we need to make sure our medical professionals are treated—and paid—fairly, regardless of gender or race.

EPI's deep bench of economists provides critical research to help policy makers and activists fight for progressive economic change to lift up all working people. Thank you for all you do to fight for an economy that works for all us, not just the wealthy few.

Eve Tahmincioglu
Director of Communications, Economic Policy Institute

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