The Hill: States should pay attention to Supreme Court justices’ comments on ‘reopening’ orders

The scope and duration of state governors’ stay-at-home orders this year are unlike any pandemic orders in American history. So, it is not surprising that several hundred lawsuits filed around the country challenge the orders’ application in various contexts.
A few of those cases have made their way to the U.S. Supreme Court. Even though the Court has so far declined to hear any of them, Timothy Snowball and Larry Salzman tell us strong words from four justices may push courts to clarify the constitutional limits of state power.

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New York Daily News: Canceling rent won’t solve housing woes

Millions of Americans face each coming month with an additional dread: making their rent payments. In response, many states and localities enacted eviction bans and rent deferral schemes.

Ethan Blevins explains why such extreme measures are unjust, unlawful, and counterproductive.

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National Review: Watch out for home equity theft on the horizon

As businesses closed and staff were laid off in the wake of COVID-19, millions of Americans were faced with a personal financial crisis. As a result, some local governments temporarily adjusted tax foreclosure policies to help keep struggling residents in their homes. 

But governments won’t keep these policies indefinitely. Christina Martin and Angela Erickson point to the previous economic downturn as a warning that governments may enforce abusive tax collection laws to help fill their coffers.

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Need some clarity on what Home Equity Theft entails? Check out our primer here.


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