Future40 Nominations Open Now!

The FUTURE40 recognizes young professionals across the country that embody the next generation of leadership in both the public & private sectors. 

Previous winners include Senators, Members of Congress, CEOs, entrepreneurs, veterans, community leaders, & other rising stars.  

This year’s FUTURE40 winners will be announced virtually this Fall!

Submit Nomination
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Save The Dates!
Stay tuned for more details!
Big announcement coming soon!
Hint: High profile female GOP speaker 

Thursday, August, 27th

Tampa Bay Chapter Relaunch (In-Person Event):
Congressman Gus Bilirakis will be our honored guest
Thursday, September, 3rd
Thank you to our MavTALK speakers who have graciously engaged with MavPAC members!
July 22 - Women in Financial Services with speakers Tonnie Wybensinger, Blaire Bartlett, and Jordan Canter, moderated by Brittany Rogers

July 22 - New York Chapter virtual event with candidate Margaret Streicker running for Connecticut's 3rd district moderated by Joe Pinion

July 30 - Campaign update with New York Maverick-endorsed candidate Nicole Malliotakis moderated by Joe Pinion

August 4 - Women in Tech with speakers Meredith Griffanti, Ginny Badanes, and Erica Arbetter, moderated by Brittany Rogers

August 10 - John James, Maverick-endorsed U.S Senate candidate running in Michigan

Please let us know other speakers you would like to hear from by emailing [email protected]
Fall Funding Round
Mavericks, get prepared to start voting for candidate support in September! We are able to impact national politics because of your leadership and dedication to the future of America!
Stay tuned for more details!

Welcome, Mavericks!

We would like to send a warm welcome to Mavericks who've recently joined or renewed their membership!
Member Highlight:
MavPAC Member Jonathan Nauert lays out how the Biden tax plan will undermine Covid-19 recovery. Read here!
Featured Highlight:
Thank you to Foster Freiss for his continued support of Maverick PAC. Please visit FostersOutriders.com to learn more about his plans for cutting frivolous government spending.
A CALL TO ACTION: MavPAC has made a name for itself by the sheer strength of our members (YOU). As a Maverick, we encourage you to invite your friends to come to our open events and join our organization. The more high-quality members that we are able to engage, recruit, and develop, the bigger the impact our unique organization is going to have in Congress and on this country.
Maverick PAC Memberships
We want to hear from you! What should be on our radar?
Email tips to [email protected]
Paid for by Maverick PAC USA and not authorized by any candidate or committee.
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