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‘Auto theft since the beginning of the year has just kind of gone up and up and up,’ says one expert. ‘It’s one of the ones we can’t really explain.’

Christopher Herrmann, crime analyst and assistant professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice

News of the Week


NYC’s Rise in Auto Thefts Perplexes Experts
Since the beginning of the year, rates of reported car thefts in New York City have climbed by 60 percent—the biggest increase of any of the seven major felonies tracked by the NYPD, according to their weekly numbers. 

Video Shows NYC Pantry’s Work: Should Billionaires Get the Bill?
A group of lawmakers and their advocacy allies are hoping to push for a law that creates a fund for excluded workers and pays for it with a tax on billionaires.

New York’s Hydropower Plan Stirs Concerns Over Impact on Waterways
New York City needs power to replace Indian Point’s nuclear energy without resorting to new fossil-fuel usage.

Brooklyn Reps on How NY Should Handle School Reopenings, COVID-19, Rent Crisis
Brooklyn State Sen. Julia Salazar and Jabari Brisport discuss ways the city and state can address school safety, potential evictions and other pandemic-related issues.

Trump Administration's Obsession on Immigration: More Than 400 Policy Changes So Far
During the pandemic, the Trump administration has advanced 63 immigration 'reforms,' including some of the boldest actions to date.

Assembly Bill Requiring License for Shampoo Assistants Adds Woe to Hair Salons
The measure says employees at hair salons should go through a similar license process as those working at clinics and nursing homes in order to protect consumer rights.

Understanding NYCHA’s New Rescue Plan
With 62,000 units already effectively moving off the authority's books under NYCHA 2.0, this new 'Blueprint for Change' addresses NYCHA's other 110,000 apartments—which together need a $25 billion repair job.

Debate Over Contentious Industry City Rezoning Resumes
Carlos Menchaca, the council member whose district includes Industry City, said he would reject the application, setting off a debate over whether a single lawmaker should hold up a development project with potential citywide impact.

Una Ciudad sin Límites


Se avecinan aumentos importantes en las tarifas de USCIS: qué está aumentando y quién se ve afectado.
El precio de algunos formularios de inmigración está aumentando más del 500 por ciento.


Administración Trump obsesionada por transformar el sistema migratorio: Reporte señala 63 cambios durante la pandemia y más de 400 en total
El nivel de obsesión y de adicción al trabajo en temas de inmigración hacen única a la administración Trump.


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City Views

Opinions on Policy and Politics

Opinion: Trump’s Visa Ban Will Hobble NYC’s Recovery
‘This move could not come at a worse time for the city, which is reeling from the economic blow wrought by the coronavirus pandemic,’ says State Senator Brian Kavanagh.

Opinion: Adult Day Care Stepped Up for Seniors, Needs NYS Help
'Even as social adult day cares work round-the-clock, New York State’s Medicaid-sponsored managed long-term care plans have cut out the much-needed service to the vulnerable adults, most of who are seniors and require their care for basic mental-health needs,’ says Victoria Milo, a member of the Coalition of New York City Social Adult Day Care Centers.

Opinion: It Will Take a Village to Save Policing
'The Village Act takes an outside-of-the-box approach, where healing the relationship between the public and law enforcement is at the root,' says Leonardo Coello.

Opinion: Teacher Diversity is More Important Now Than Ever
Teachers, education policy experts, and advocates are urging Congress to include $250 billion in additional stimulus funds for education, including a minimum of $15 million to teacher preparation programs at ‘minority serving institutions,’ says Leona Fowler, a teacher and a member of E4E-New York.


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