14th August 2020
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In this week's issue:

NEWS:   What Price a Baby's Life? - €2.9 million paid to doctors to end lives of unborn babies in 2019

WATCH:  New video in response to news that 2.9million paid to doctors 

NEWS:    French Parliament provisionally approves abortion until birth

REGISTER: PLC Network Communications Training with Wendy Grace

SIGN UP:  Virtual Intern Programme for TY students and older

A Parliamentary Question from Carol Nolan TD reveals €2.9 million paid to doctors to perform abortions last year

In an answer to a Parliamentary Question asked by Carol Nolan TD, Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly recently revealed that €2.9 million of taxpayers’ money was given to doctors who carried out abortions in GP settings in 2019.

This shockingly high figure is not the total amount spent by the state on abortions last year, as it only covers terminations in the first 9 weeks of pregnancy. The €2.9 million thus relates to approximately 6,542 abortions, with doctors getting €450 every single time they carry out an abortion.

Carol Nolan deserves great credit for bringing these payments to light and for continuing to speak up for life following her re-election to the Dáil earlier this year. She defied all predictions in holding her seat in Laois Offaly after being forced to resign from Sinn Féin for defending the right to life in the 2018 abortion referendum.

The figure of €2.9 million for early abortions is particularly shocking because it is nearly equal to the amount spent on the National Women and Infants Health Programme in 2019 (€3.1 million).

What does this say about our Government – that it spends the same amount of money on infant health as on early abortions? If the health and safety of women and children are a priority in our health system, then why is there so much money being spent on rewarding GPs who provide abortion ‘services’?

Abortion was introduced in Ireland on the basis of a supposed need to ‘improve’ our healthcare system. However, each time a GP dispenses an abortion pill, a new and unique human life is ended. In 2019, the total number of lives lost through State funded abortions was 6,666, up from 2,879 the previous year.

Given that the figure of €2.9 million was just the cost of early abortions, how much did each of the later term abortions (10 weeks or more) cost? There has been no accountability to date regarding this figure. And how much money that was earmarked for maternity services was diverted to paying for abortions and in rolling out the provision of abortion in hospital settings? These are questions that remain to be answered.

But something we know for certain is that taxpayers’ money that should be used to bring new life into the world, is now being used to end lives in these very same hospitals.

None of the babies whose lives were ended through abortion should be looked upon as a mere statistic. Each one of them was a unique and irreplaceable human being with the same dignity and right to life as every other member of the human family.

What price a baby’s life?

The answer is inestimable.But to those who ushered in the new abortion law, we learned this week, the value placed on a baby’s life, appallingly, is a mere €450.

What Price a Baby's Life?
€2.9 million was paid to Irish doctors in 2019 to end the lives of unborn babies. Click below to watch the Pro Life Campaign’s short video on this appalling news which only came to light this week.
French Parliament Provisionally Approves Abortion up till Birth
Recently the French Parliament approved an amendment to a bioethics bill that will allow abortion up till birth where the mother is experiencing ‘psycho-social distress’. The provision was approved by 60 votes in favour to 37 votes against.

The vote on the amendment itself was controversial, as out of the 577 member national assembly, only 101 members of parliament voted. It also occurred late at night on August 1st, with only 25 hours of debate being made available for this very sensitive legislative matter.
Before the Bill can become law, France’s upper chamber must approve it, and then it will be subject to scrutiny from a parliamentary committee.

Worryingly, in addition to enabling abortion up till birth, the bill also approves of the creation of chimeras (which are animal/human hybrids) and other genetically modified embryos.

Pro-life campaigners in France have roundly criticised the amendments. Alliance VITA in particular expressed concern at how the phrase ‘psycho-social distress’ is an ‘unverifiable criterion’ criterion, and will lead to abortion on demand.

Pro Life Campaign spokesperson Eilís Mulroy responded, ‘This push for increased abortion in France reveals just how fanatical abortion advocates are. Their goal is not to protect women’s health, or even a limited abortion regime, but full scale abortion on demand for any reason up till birth.’
PLC Network Communications Training with Wendy Grace - FREE but limited spaces

Want to learn how to explain the pro-life position (or advance your knowledge) and skillfully answer challenging questions?   Our next online Communications Workshop will cater for all levels and will take place on Wednesday 19th August from from 8.30-9.30pm.   

Register for PLC Network Webinar here
Are you a secondary school (TY or older) or third level student? Would you like to experience working with a pro-active Human Rights organisation and develop skills in advocacy, campaign management and project planning? We are seeking ‘virtual’ interns to work part-time from home at this time. Internships run for one week periods throughout the Summer. 

here to find out more and apply instantly!
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Vital Signs is the e-newsletter of the Pro Life Campaign. We hope you and your families are keeping well in these unusual times. This email is to update you on what we have been working on recently, including news stories, project updates, and details of upcoming events.  If you want to get in touch with us please do so by emailing [email protected]

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