If 63 HOPE not hate supporters each chip in our average donation amount right now, we will have plugged our funding gap. Help save our work - donate now.

Chip in £23.80
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HOPE not hate

John --

Ten days ago I told you that HOPE not hate was in a funding crisis - that the impact of Coronavirus had left us with a funding hole so large that it meant areas of our work were under threat.

In the days since supporters have stepped up, donating in their thousands to help us make up the difference.

If just 63 more supporters chip in our average donation amount of £23.80 right now, we'll close that gap completely. Will you be one of them and make a donation today?

We take on the far right wherever we find them. We've beaten the BNP, UKIP and The Brexit Party at the ballot box. We've infiltrated, undermined and exposed dangerous far-right organisations. We stopped a nazi-terrorist plot to murder a Member of Parliament.

We have more fights ahead of us. As the UK faces a massive recession and a potential second wave we know the far-right will be trying to redirect people's fears and anger against those who don't deserve it.

Help us to take them on. Chip in today and together let's end this funding crisis.

Nick Lowles
HOPE not hate

Chip in now