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Independent research suggests the Church of England spends £55,000 towards the costs of counselling or therapy for survivors of clerical abuse, out of an estimated annual spend on safeguarding of £20 million. This is less than the cost of supporting a single alleged clerical perpetrator who has been suspended.
A senior Charedi leader has told the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse that Jewish sexual abuse victims are not ostracised, directly contradicting the statements from Jewish victims and victim support groups.
An outcry is rising in Somalia as parliament considers a bill that would allow child marriage once a girl's sexual organs mature and would allow forced marriage as long as the family gives their consent.
Authorities in Atush city in Xinjiang have reportedly razed two of three mosques in the village of Suntagh, amid a campaign that has seen thousands of Muslim sites destroyed in recent years.
Dr. Allen Bergin, psychologist and former member of the Mormon's Sunday School General Board, has apologised for "being part of a professional, religious, and public culture that marginalised, pathologised, and excluded LGBT persons."
As research shows social integration is key to fostering positive attitudes toward people of different religions and beliefs, Megan Manson says we should challenge the segregation and division inherent to faith schools.
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