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National Secular Society

Challenging Religious Privilege


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Your daily media briefing - Friday 14 August


In the Media is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news and opinion and listen to our podcasts on our website.


Secularism in the media


Money for C of E abuse survivors is dwarfed by legal and admin bill

Independent research suggests the Church of England spends £55,000 towards the costs of counselling or therapy for survivors of clerical abuse, out of an estimated annual spend on safeguarding of £20 million. This is less than the cost of supporting a single alleged clerical perpetrator who has been suspended.

Church Times


Charedi Jewish leader: No call for rabbis to be trained in child protection

A senior Charedi leader has told the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse that Jewish sexual abuse victims are not ostracised, directly contradicting the statements from Jewish victims and victim support groups.

Jewish News


Warwickshire's last independent Catholic secondary school to become academy

A Catholic secondary school in Warwickshire has been given the green light to convert to an academy.

Coventry Telegraph


Number of pupils studying Religious Studies A-level continues to fall

There were 11.5 per cent fewer students studying Religious Studies at A-level this year compared to 2019.

Premier Christian News


Queensland has become the first Australian state to ban 'gay conversion therapy'

Health practitioners face up to 18 months in jail if found guilty of using LGBTIQ+ conversion practices.

SBS News


Outcry in Somalia as new bill would allow child marriage

An outcry is rising in Somalia as parliament considers a bill that would allow child marriage once a girl's sexual organs mature and would allow forced marriage as long as the family gives their consent.

Yahoo! News


Two mosques in Xinjiang village razed amid campaign targeting Muslim holy sites

Authorities in Atush city in Xinjiang have reportedly razed two of three mosques in the village of Suntagh, amid a campaign that has seen thousands of Muslim sites destroyed in recent years.

Radio Free Asia


Isis seizes key Mozambique port city after six-day battle

Islamic State militants have overrun government forces and their South African mercenary allies to capture a strategic city in Mozambique.

The Times (£)


Leading Mormon says sorry for anti-LGBT+ activism

Dr. Allen Bergin, psychologist and former member of the Mormon's Sunday School General Board, has apologised for "being part of a professional, religious, and public culture that marginalised, pathologised, and excluded LGBT persons."



'The end of the secular republic'

India's and Turkey's leaders are turning religious buildings into battlegrounds for nationalists, says Yasmeen Serhan.

The Atlantic


In case you missed it...


Our schools should promote social cohesion – so educate children together

As research shows social integration is key to fostering positive attitudes toward people of different religions and beliefs, Megan Manson says we should challenge the segregation and division inherent to faith schools.


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