Friday, August 14th, 2020

How To Invoke a Face Mask Exemption at the Doctor or Dentist

Allan Stevo

Would the Military Side With Leftist Tyranny or With America?

Kurt Schlichter

The Pandemic Pattern—How the Illusion Is Built

Jon Rappoport

More on Lincoln and Garibaldi

Rick Rozoff

Victoria: Australia’s Covid Autocracy

Nick Cater

The English Language and Grammar Are Racist! Get Rid of Them!

Boyd D. Cathey

An Unexpected Systemic Crisis Is for Sure

Alasdair Macleod

WATCH: New Zealand to Move All ‘Covid Cases’ to ‘Quarantine Centres’


Is Biden-Harris on Tom Dewey’s Path?

Patrick J. Buchanan

Gold Prices Show There’s a ‘Big Short’ Going on in Official Currencies

Thorsten Polleit

10 Ways the Communist Manifesto Has Infiltrated the USA

Joe Jarvis

Testing the Most Effective Method To Manipulate Minds

Dr. Joseph Mercola

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