88% of you told us that we need to fight harder than ever for a sane immigration policy!
... But John, we need more funding
to keep doing even what we're already doing...
...To EXPAND our efforts, we need 3 more donors
from Rep. Eleanor Norton's district... THIS WEEK!
So many of our donors are unemployed or facing financial uncertainty, we urgently need members who CAN to EXPAND their financial support
You can now pay by Paypal or credit card directly on our web page.
[link removed]
Dear John -
Let me make this short: Our fundraising is down this year. Way down. I'm not surprised: Based on an earlier poll of our members, 41 percent of our donors have had lay-offs in their household. More than 50 percent have lost major sources of income.
Yet I've also wondered if some of the fundraising shortfall was caused by our members changing their priorities? I wanted our massive membership to level with me, so I sent a one-question survey last week.
I asked whether some of you felt that immigration just didn't seem as important now, during the COVID crisis.
I'm glad to know that only 5% of you feel that way. 7% wanted to keep steady, doing what we've been doing.
Fully 88% answered that we need to "PUSH HARDER THAN EVER -- AMERICANS NEED JOBS!"
THAT'S GREAT that you feel that way! I'm thrilled that you understand that America needs the jobs that they've lost and that so many in Congress want to reserve for cheaper, imported workers.
But I need your help. NumbersUSA ACTION is having trouble paying for even the stuff we're doing now! Our citizen activists live in all 535 Congressional Districts. If just a handful of activists from each district gave, we could stabilize our financial situation for the month.
But so far, we still need 4 donations from your district to meet that goal.
You can now pay by Paypal or credit card directly on our web page.
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To FIGHT the Open Borders Lobby, we've banded together. And we've done amazing things.
When our opponents wanted to TRIPLE IMMIGRATION during the Senate Gang of Eight fight of 2013-2014, our activists sent millions of faxes to Congress and made more than 100,000 phone calls to their Senators and Representatives. We stopped them cold, even though we were outspent 100 to 1! There was NO tripling of immigration. There was NO amnesty for 11 million+ illegal aliens.
Come next year, we're going to have to do it again! Our job, never easy, may become much harder.
This week, we need 4 more gifts from your DC Congressional District, represented in the House by Rep. Eleanor Norton.
John, will you make one of those gifts? One gift may not seem like a big deal to you, but it means the world to us and your fellow Americans.
You can donate three ways:
1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal.
2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check.
3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back.
Keep the faith and don't ever give up!
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Jim Robb
VP Operations
P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at
[email protected].
P. P. S.: Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.