
Joe Biden needs a steady hand next to him at the helm to help navigate the myriad of crises we face both at home and abroad, and Kamala is that leader.

In the face of a catastrophic pandemic, record-breaking unemployment, and the ongoing plague of racial injustice, former Vice President Joe Biden is the right person to lead our country forward. He has the experience, the judgment, and the values to bring Americans together to confront these challenges.

Senator Kamala Harris is a great choice for Vice President. She has the experience and political chops to serve as a partner alongside Joe Biden. She has worked for decades to effect change in her home state of California and in the United States Senate. She inspires people of all colors and all ages to work towards a more perfect union, even when—and especially when—it’s hard. Joe Biden needs a steady hand next to him at the helm to help navigate the myriad of crises we face both at home and abroad, and Kamala is that leader.

In this seminal moment in our country’s history, when we are confronting a racist, aspiring authoritarian in the White House with loud and forceful calls in our streets for fundamental change, Kamala Harris is the right person at the right time to be the Vice President of the United States. And in this moment, we cannot forget the power of the history we’re living right now: of a Black woman on a presidential ticket for the first time in our history. Let’s all go help Joe and Kamala make even more history together.

Please make a split donation between the Biden campaign and Serve America today to help the Democratic ticket build momentum early and provide resources to our other candidates up and down the ballot.

